Thursday, October 22, 2009

Target Audience

A target audience are the people the film is aimed at. The target audience can be people of a certain gender, age group, nationality, class or religion. There are more things that the target audience can be decided on but these are the main ones. The film makers must know what there target audience are otherwise the film might not sell aswell because they might have aged it wrong.

These are the different types of target audiences.

Post modernist- Post Modernist viewers go and see the films that they have already seen but have been remade. They do this to see what difference they have. these sort of films are 'scream', the 'scary movies'.
Tradionalist- They stick to the types of films they know they like, e.g. disney films, comedy.
Hedonist- Like to take risks. They like all types of films, e.g. scary movies, comedy, 3D.


below is the link for the BBFC film classification page

Friday, October 9, 2009

Film Noir

My media teacher told me that I would be studying Film Noir and how it is used in films and why, and that we would have to make our own piece of film noir. I didnt know what film noir is because i havent really heard of it before so I went on a film website and researched it to get a better understanding of what it is. The link below was the pade I used.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Link for Casino Royal

Casino Royal

One of the first things I was asked to do was to watch the opening sequence of the James Bond film Casino Royal. It is a 4 minute clip which I watched on youtube. This was the first time a I had been asked to write about the use of film noir and didnt know write about it as I did not know anything about the camera angles used, sound and lighting.


This blogg will chart my progress over the next year, of learning about film noir, and will also have my work on it. It will have my progress of understanding media and film making.
The only previous media exprerience I have is doing some in English lessons. I chose this lesson because I wanted to do something new and media sounded like a good choice.

About Me

I am 16 and I am a Media Studies Student in my first year of sixthform. This is the first time I have done media and I dont know what I am doing most of the time, so this could be fun....